[Salon] Ukraine blows up Russian ammonia pipeline


June 7, 2023

Ukraine blows up Russian ammonia pipeline

The ammonia pipeline, built in the 1970s, runs from the Russian city of Togliatti via Kharkov to Odessa and . used to pump about 2.5 million tons of ammonia annually into the port of Odessa, from where it was exported by ship all over the world. Ammonia is an important fertilizer. Ukraine has the transit on the 24th. February 2022 due to the Russian intervention in Ukraine.

Kiev accuses Russia of blowing up the pipeline. It is interesting that German media hardly report on the attack, and when they report on it, they largely re-enly replicate Ukrainian propaganda as usual. For most German media, however, the incident is not worth its own article so far, instead many only mention it as a short message in their news tickers on the Ukraine crisis.

In order to understand why it is clear that not Russia but Ukraine destroyed the pipeline, I have to catch up a little again, because this is about the grain agreement. First of all, I remind you once again of what is regulated in the grain agreement, then it becomes clear who has what interests in the attack on the ammonia pipeline.

The grain agreement

In the summer of 2022, the Western media reported for weeks that Russia was blocking Ukrainian grain exports and thus using global hunger as a weapon because Ukrainian grain is so urgently needed by the poorest countries in the world. The Ukrainian grain is intended for the Third World and the EU is said to be very committed to ensuring that the evil Russians finally allow the Ukrainian grain to be delivered to the poorest countries.

Subsequently, the grain agreement was concluded and the Ukrainian grain could be exported via the Black Sea. The media then quickly stopped reporting on it, because it turned out that the Ukrainian grain did not go to the poorest countries in the world, but above all to the EU. You can read this on the corresponding page of the UN, but people in the West did not have to know that.

What the Western media also does not report is that the grain agreement stipulates that the anti-Russian sanctions that hinder the export of Russian grain and Russian fertilizers should be lifted. These are sanctions against Russian banks, because how can someone buy Russian grain if they can't transfer money? These are sanctions against Russian logistics, i.e. against Russian ports, transport companies and so on.

This is not reported in the West, because then Western media would have to admit that it is the West that provokes a famine in the poorest countries of the world by hindering Russian exports of food and fertilizers.

This even goes so far that EU states have fixed Russian ships with fertilizers in 2022.Russia then offered to give these fertilizers to African states, but the EU still did not release the fertilizers. In order to prevent a famine as much as possible, the Russian president has even declared that Russia - should the West prevent the export of Russian grain - will give its grain to the countries in need if necessary.

But no one in the West knows anything about it either, because the Western media conceals it.

Extension of the grain agreement

The grain agreement is extended for a certain period of time each time. Since the West does not lift the sanctions that hinder the export of Russian grain and fertilizers, Russia has already declared before the last extension that further extensions of the agreement are unlikely because the agreement "does not work".

Russia has on the 18th May nevertheless agreed to a further extension of the grain agreement by two months. Analysts speculate that the reason was that Moscow wanted to help Erdogan in the election campaign, because the grain agreement is a success of Turkish diplomacy and breaking it immediately before the runoff elections of the Turkish presidential election could have hurt Erdogan.

However, during the extension, Moscow stated that for the next extension, it calls for the next extension to allow Russian ships to enter foreign ports, to change the conditions for the insurance of dry loads, to connect the Rosselchosbank (Russian Agricultural Bank) to SWIFT and - this is important! - to put the ammonia pipeline back into operation in order to facilitate the export of Russian ammonia.

On the 1st In June, the UN, one of the parties to the grain agreement, announced that Russia had informed the Joint Coordination Center in Istanbul of its decision to restrict the registration of ships in the Yushny port near Odessa because no Russian ammonia was being exported. This measure did not apply for long, Russia took it back a few days later, but it was a clear "warning shot" that Russia insists on the commissioning of the ammonia pipeline.

And now, a week later, is Russia supposed to have blown up this pipeline itself?

Western media keep their readers stupid

Only Western media, who conceal the connections from their readers, can claim this nonsense. Der Spiegel, for example, has not yet published its own article about the blasting of the pipeline, but only briefly mentioned the attack in its news ticker on the Ukraine crisis. The Spiegel only writes about the background:

"The pipeline between Odessa and the Russian city of Toljatti may be crucial for the extension of the grain agreement, Russia demands its release. At the beginning of the war, the pipeline was blocked by Ukraine. At around 2470 kilometers, it is the longest ammonia line in the world."

Since Russia is the evil aggressor for the Spiegel reader, the Spiegel reader should already feel anger at the wording "Russia demands its release", because how can the evil aggressor demand anything? On top of that, from the unfortunate Ukraine?

Since the Spiegel - like the Western media in general - conceals from its readers the connections that are important for understanding, Western propaganda works so well. If people don't know things, they can't understand how they are lied to by the media.

This is also the reason why the EU has censored Russian media and is taking such a rigorous approach against alleged fake news: If the people in the EU knew the truth about this and all the other events related to Ukraine and Russia, Brussels and the governments of the EU states could no longer continue their anti-Russian policies.

So in the West you are censored with all your might because you are afraid of the truth there.

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